Tuesday, October 13, 2020

First frost 2020

BRRRR it was frosty when H and I went out before 7:30 but the sunrise was beautiful. This is the first frost we had and it is October 13. It was a quick potty break again then back inside where we went to garage to eat her breakfast while I tidied a few things up and started garage laundry. I saw Switch by the gate so hustled out to put in eye meds but needed to come back for halter. H was with me and spotted Cooper who was let out with B trailing behind him. She double checked I was doing the meds right.

Inside after 8, S started the coffee perfect for a warm up after that brisk 3 degrees. The dogs were wanting to play so had short unsupervised plays outside and back in. B wants tires changed so loaded them up and headed to town before10 hoping to get in the line up but once there found it was over a 4 hour wait so headed home. H and I went to the garage and started a growth ruler that has been chatted about for months but just ordered this am wanting to have in the city by Friday and Shaina would be going in tomorrow. Yikes.

She was up before 11 eating breakfast then off to train Sharon before noon. I had some goulash as Prince napped in his chair on lazy Tuesday. I braved the cold and put ointment in Switch’s eye and give banamine then back out to flip the ruler and paint the front side.

Shaina was back after 1 and made us all a cappuccino. I took Harley out for a break and to put J in the barn seeing it was chilly around 2 and while doing so it started to spit again. Today she has found her barking voice and many times thought there were intruders. Once inside painting the ruler another coat of primer it started to snow but lasted only briefly thanks goodness. The nightstand was next and got a coat of pretty Bimini blue.

S held down big brown for his Tuesday dozy day. He and I did move stuff in the furnace room to get access to the heat pumps to fix as my garage is pretty chilly at 15. Then back to his chair after lighting a fire. Shaina spent the afternoon doing her thing between snacks. Grama Pat sent a tray of cabbage rolls I put in the over for supper as well as a squash to roast then fresh cheese biscuits.

B and C arrived just before 5:30 which was planned eat time but still not hot yet so she hauled her 3 annual plants to the garage then went and fed Bird and put Switch's meds in eye, thanks B. I put the first coat of white paint on the growth ruler then back in to get supper set out. After eating Shaina hit the shower and the other 2 to the couch until both dogs released. They headed out for another unsupervised play but are getting pretty good other then stopping to eat horse poop as it is brisk out. B and C loaded up and head home after 7, S went to put kittens away while I was cleaning up and doing dishes. It was then time for pumpkin pie (B skipped this) having to call the S's up from bedroom and TV room.

Sheldon took these pics as he was putting kittens away, but they are not supposed to eat this special urinary food S but at least J is getting better with them in his space :)

I took H out at 8 to do her duties after bribing her out of the kennel from a sleep. I ran back for Switch's ointment as they were at the fence and applied it too. H is getting accustomed to the dark here and was found with my cell flashlight to be eating fresh horse poop of course. I brought the ruler in after some white touch ups to dry in the house overnight as I have to finish it and send to the city with Shaina tomorrow. A gal who lives in China ordered it for her sister in Ft MacMurray but the brother will pick up from Shaina in the city before seeing the sister LOL

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