Sunday, October 25, 2020

City run with the B

Today I awoke after 8 and let H out but she took her time so things are looking up for a bit more sleep maybe. We did our usual routine and with my cappuccino  I was able to publish my antique navy accent table post I finished last night. Kaylin had asked if there really was a Flinstone park or if she dreamt it so I rustled up some photos and a few others in the book. How I love photos.

It was Amanda's 10th birthday that day too and later we had DQ treatza pizza

I had a goal today to scrub that big dresser I started awhile back. Mom had called and while chatting I removed all the hardware ready to scrub. I finished up scrubbing and rinsing of this 9 drawer beast at noon and came in. H spent the scrubbing time outside in -12 chewing on a bone she had found.

sand and scrub

Slim pickings for lunch but another cappuccino helped. I was working on marketing when Britt arrived just before 1. She brought Bird in to feed and text Switch seemed worse. I bundled up and headed out to bring her into the barn. Britt gathered a bucket of hot water to soak her foot in after finding an area that seemed like an abscess may be under. Switch stood with foot in said bucket while I held her food tub and Britt made the duct tape boot. She applied the poultice, vet wrap, duct tape boot then light plast. 

I took her to the barn paddock where Britt stayed with her while I jumped on the quad. I chased Pepper back into the winter pasture, closed it up in hopes they will now concentrate on learning how to use the slow feeder then closed the middle paddock gate. Britt caught Bird to put in with her while I went and got a bale and tossed for the 2 girls.

It was now 2, we put Cooper and Harley each in a kennel with a Kong/treat and we were off. B wanted to hit a few stores in the city and invited me along. We went thru Langdon to get a tea and muffin (lunch) then hit up a few stores. It may be Covid season but people are out in droves. It was nuts. On our way home we again swung thru Langdon to pick up Chinese food I ordered as we left the city.

only piece I would have bought at the Restore store and surprisingly only $60 when most is way over priced

Back at the ranch just after 5:30 the dogs were off to chew on the bone H has been working on while B and I ate. Then the dogs were in for a bit before B and Coop headed home around 6:30. I did some marketing extending the giveaway as very few entered. It is frustrating to put so much work into it and social media limiting who sees it or maybe it is actually a  lack of interest. Everyone including family should enter as it is the numbers that Facebook sees and the engagement not the names.

Shaina was home just before 8, as I was filling the Kong and Qwizel. She heated up some Chinese food and got busy on her computer and I back to mine to work on the blog that has lapsed again. I shut it down after 9:30, H did not want to go out so I washed up and crawled into bed. Of course there was some screen time.

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