Thursday, October 1, 2020

Candace for a sleepover

The usual start then around to front door and office kennel after eating. Coffee was being made so I fit in one while trying to a bit of marketing but had to go to the deck for a bit after S went and let J out and he came to visit. S ran with coffee in hand to open the pasture gate but horses started out that way but followed him back to the house. He went back and closed it as a few people will be coming thru today. I worked on an Etsy post for the crate taking a few more photos finishing after lunch. H needed her exercise so off we went to loop the east pasture picking up J on our way back. Four helicopters flew over in a pattern; looked like army??

Here they head out following the quad only to come back when he did LOL

A gal from town stopped out to pick up a free mirror and brought me a chai tea. She paints as well so wanted to visit for an hour. I sent her home with the mirror, 2 full cans of paint and a new tub of wood filler. S greased the skid steer then went to the pit to push the composted piles up as a company is stopping later with a load of fill that may lead to more.

The gal was off by noon and S back so it was time for leftover lunch. I was back to computer work while S relaxed in big brown. This load of fill arrived at 1:30 so he hopped on quad to go check it out. H and I went out to grab some stuff from tack room then ended up sitting in the grass with J coming to join us in the now lovely warm no wind 21 sunshine. I woke with a headache and my cough is not improving and my chest was getting heavy but this sunny fresh air seemed to help. 

check this video out!! kitty progress

Tomorrow is 6 weeks since Harley's last eye surgery so have to send eye updates. They are looking better.  Below is a video view 

The fall asters are blooming even more!

The load passed inspection and was dumped and off for another. S came back, unhooked truck from horse trailer and started watering trees. We enjoyed a beer on the deck after I dug potatoes, put a few more decor pieces away and walked miss H after she stole a potato and was playing keep away - again because I let her just hang while I dug. This weather was fab and could stay till late November.

 chewing on her frozen kong on the deck with us

Me and my shadow came inside to post a few more things for sale and package up a tack item. S looped the south neighbors pasture on the quad looking for any trace of Mitzy now the combining was done. Back inside we prepped steak and veggies for supper. The second fill load of the day was dumped after 5.

A tea cart was dropped off for custom painting at 5:45 just as I was going to take H out to search for supper. Once unloaded the wheels were shown to be wobbly so the fellow and I got them off and he took them to fix. It is for sure not in my carpenter wheelhouse. He was on the road after 6 and H and I out in the amazing evening right after. S threw the steaks on and soon we had supper. A jumped in the shower quick.

It was so nice out we had to get back out and had hit 23 as a high. S went to let the horses out of the far paddocks after sequester while the fellow was dumping. B and Coop were out not long after. The pups had a rip in the arena while we did kitty care and a walk outside then the townies were off. Candace arrived not long after for a sleep over and evening of visiting over a couple drinks. S headed off to bed before 10 as he is off early in the am to do some hunting scouting. Candace was off to bed after 11:30 as was I after I walked Harley who had been sleeping on her bed beside us. Once she was put in the garage kennel I went to bed and watched just a bit of YouTube before shutting it all down.

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