Thursday, October 22, 2020

Kittens see snow for first time

Ground hogs day again, overcast lightly falling snow on and off all day. We did our usual morning routine including going out to check on cats. I brought the kittens out to see snow. Luna was totally game but Stella went back inside. Then it was back inside for a Hometalk webinar at 10. Shaina was up now to make her cappuccino and do her work. This is her new Instagram employer Body Smart Fitness where she will be coaching.

This is the table my neighbor gave me; it was her grandmas.

Inside I clear waxed Sharon's bread box.

After lunch I took H out to play ball and get some exercise as she was getting a bit antsy. We again stopped at the shop, J and Luna came out. Luna was very inquisitive about the snow. I took Luna to visit with Shaina for a bit as I scooped poop. 

I then put Luna back and came into the warmth to continue work on Sharon's bread box. It was now dark waxed, touched up, edges scraped and wiped and finally new hardware put on from my Hobby Lobby stash. This is a very hard color to photograph; it is lichen green.

I bundled it up in a towel and Shaina delivered it to her when she headed over to train her at 3:30. She was back before 5 as I was prepping supper but ate yogurt and went to town to meet Emily at 5:30 planning to eat her share later. I enjoyed supper and was washing up pots and pans when Matt and Bryn dropped off some pork they butchered. THANK YOU! They met Harley and Bryn having no fear was right up in her face nuzzling her and scratching her and making her day. They had brought her hocks and feet in the box as a gift too.

Harley loves to chase her tail

The snow started to come down a little more giving us an actual snow cover again but still soft and fluffy. I worked on computer stuff in the dark until Britt and coop came up the steps after 7:30. H went out for a short time but then back into the warmth. Shaina was home just after 9 as I put Harley to bed then myself watching dog videos on YouTube.

Today is Mom and Dad's 54th anniversary, Happy Anniversary.

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