Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Lightly snowing AKA a skiff

Another overcast dreary cool day with light snow starting to fall around 8. This light snow continued thru the day. I brought in Sharon’s bread box I cleaned up last night along with the paint etc after H ate her breakfast. She got her peanut butter banana qwizel as I worked on some marketing with my cappuccinos. I remembered Britt wanted a ride home from the tire shop so got dressed and started the truck. I loaded up Harley and we were off to town after 9. 

The vet says her eye just has lots of scar tissue buildup, fingers crossed it heals better.

peanut butter and banana qwizel is always a hit

We picked her up and for my handy chauffeur service she offered to buy me a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte and a puppachino for Harley who was thrilled with yet another yummy drive thru. Thanks B. we dropped her at her condo and headed back home arriving an hour later.

H was not so neat with this little cup :)

The rest of my morning was sucked down a social media rabbit hole trying to get my pieces for sale on Facebook to show on Instagram. In the end I resorted to manual entry of each one like before. The ever changing systems are a pain to try and figure out. I finished up the last of the lasagna for lunch.

H and I went out to check on the kitties. Progress, J sat with them and was not hissing as I filled water and food dishes. Kitty litter cleaned and their big tree house moved upstairs along with their toys. The wee ones were up under the light then down to the toys like "farts in a hail storm". J went out and came right back in when he saw the weather.

Luna is the more social kitten, she insists on checking Harley's face out every day and always ends up slimed. But look at Mr J!!

Time to get to Sharon's bread box. The first coat of green paint went on at the island where it was warm. The snow let up a bit but not the wind but was back soon after. Shaina arrived home from the city after 3 and off to her room. I gave the bread box a second coat after working on marketing.

Britt and Cooper arrived just before 5 with her new snow tires on. She visited for a bit, fed Bird, left Cooper and was off for dinner out with friends in Chestermere. Shaina was up to cook her chicken thigh supper for me, she also made rice and had a yummy salad (same one I bought to eat last night) along with left over cabbage for a yummy meal, THANKS Dude! xoxo

She was off to work on her computer stuff while I cleaned up and washed up pots and pans then finished B's condo counter top tutorial. B picked up Cooper just before 9 so I sent H out to take a potty break at the same time then put her to bed. I finished Emily in Paris and started the new seen of The Good Place.

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