Monday, September 7, 2020

Sickly house ;(

Yesterday was the clogging of the left nasal passage and today it is the crackling ears. It has been quite some time since I was ill so guess I have to let it run its course. Sheldon however may be on deaths door ;) He was not even making coffee this am but after Matt and Theo were outside the door at 9 having had the gate not open to return the skid steer he had to don his housecoat and follow them to the gate to open it and bring the skid steer to the winter pastures gates. He checked rain gauge on way in and we got 6/10ths overnight and very thankful for that. Once completed he was back in bed till after 1 to get up and eat some onion soup broth I made him then back to bed. 

I spent the am working on blog posts, tutorials and writing 2 new mailchimp campaigns. It seems I did all the work on the wrong one but eventually got it sorted. If you did not get it emailed to you as a subscriber you can find it HERE. I had hoped the Lipton soup mix was chicken noodle but it was onion so a peanut butter honey toast was my lunch. I drove down to open the gates just before just as Britt drove in. She wanted to feed Bird so I closed the gates back up and back to the house. 

I put another coat of dark stain on the end table and a few more sprays on the coffee table. B brought in all the liquids in the tack room seeing they are forecasting frost. She was then headed back home with her furries after 1:30. I was back to my afternoon project, writing a very in depth tutorial for the antique buffet. Once complete it had to be emailed to sponsors and posted on many sites.

I had a lady buying tack so ran out and got the items bagged up and waiting on the deck. S finally rolled out of bed at 5 but only made it to the couch. The gal stopped around 5:30 and after her quick curbside pick up she was gone. I had put burger on to make hamburger soup for supper so chopped veggies and got it completed. As it simmered S left the house to walk and retrieve the skid steer and put it in the shop then back to the couch.

We ate the yummy soup while catching the late news then S was off to the TV room for hockey. It did get to 13 today but is possible to freeze tonight. I went out and covered my squash/zucchini plants, mixed up Switch's herbs and fed her and took the veggie scraps to the others. It sun showered and cool wind while I was doing all this but there was a pretty full rainbow. I did recruit S from the TV room to pull my 2 big pots into the garage while I was out in the rain.

You may notice one of the sheet over the squash may indeed be my bed sheet. It seems it wore thin and ripped the other night and seeing I needed a large sheet I pulled it off to use. After my computer work I crawled into my freshly made bed. I convinced S we should try not to breathe/cough all over each other so he set up came in Shaina's room and watched the first Equalizer.

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