Tuesday, September 29, 2020

New toys delivered

I woke early and was clock watching but then fell asleep only to wake startled at 7:45. That is the latest I have slept in in almost 3 weeks. I pulled on sweats and a coat and out to walk Miss H. It was another beauty start to the day, will the wind blow in? Breakfast was long line search on the grass after we had did our initial potty loop/J let out and feed the kittens.

S picked up mail on way home last night and this parcel was in it, new sanding sponges!

Inside she got her frozen food toy while I charged up the coffee pot and put the dough in the 2nd proof bowl. Our Amazon toy parcel is on its way and seeing the horses had came in for water I ran to the gate and locked them up. S was now up and was shown some of the new commands then he sat on the deck with her and J while I did accounting seeing he picked up the stack of bills on way home last night.

The parcel was delivered and the new tug rope was a hit as was the Kong feeder. S enjoyed relaxing in big brown perusing the net while I ran out and cleaned kitty litter and took them up to the bales. They loved it. Pictures were near impossible as they were on the move.

look at these cuties climbing the stairs video above a S playing tug below

An early lunch of chili then the news. I heated the oven to cook the sour dough before we left finishing it up with a bit of time to spare. S loaded the trash in the car and I Harley and we were off before 2 swinging by the dump then to the vet clinic. Here we picked up dewormer and had Harley weighed. She came in at 36.9 Kg (81+ pounds). We arrived early for lessons at 2:15 with the trainer not making it till 2:30 but it was a nice sunny day to wait.

Lessons went well refreshing the walk-sit-down with varying speed, learning to weave and about turns and ending with fun hurdles and the A frame. H loved the fun part. S sent some texts and had a nap when we loaded up in the car after 3. Off to town to grab an ice cap, drop plastics off at recycling and a stop at Walmart to grab milk and kitten food.

Back at the ranch things were brought in and a quick potty break. I tried a frozen toy (and rustled the dewormer pill into her) but H wanted more so she and I walked to the pasture gate and opened for the horses and closed the yard gate. S napped and surfed the net; it is Tuesday. H finally napped for a bit while I caught up a bit of computer work then onto making supper. She struggled with staying on her bed but finally stuck it while we ate after I fed her first.

Another walk then to the garage to play tug and ball for a bit then inside. Britt and Cooper were by at 7:30 so it was big excitement to go to the play pen. J even tried to join in for a bit LOL. B put him in the barn then she and Coop were off. Back to the garage I checked her itchy ears cleaning them and checked her rashy tummy. I hope it is just grass reaction and the dewormer works for itchs.

She and I came in and she quickly napped on the cushion while I finally caught up the blog while watching YouTube cane corso. S spent the evening in the TV room watching USA debates then headed to bed and asleep before 9. I had to really roust H to go out for her last potty loop then tucked her in for the night in the garage. It was time for me to crawl into bed and continue a few more training/corso raw diet videos till almost 11 with headphones.

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