Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Kuhn Family barbque

We enjoyed our coffee before 8. Kaylin called on route to the vets to drop Lexi off for her dental surgery and kindly picked up my first pumpkin spice latte of the season. THANK YOU!! She was hampered at the gate getting in with it not working. S had to get dressed and go let her in and trouble shoot the issue. She and I visited over our Starbucks.

S then headed over to Stouts to finish his dirt reclamation project. Around 11:30 a customer dropped off an end table to be refinished to match the coffee table she bought from me last month. A short visit and she was off. I quickly wrote a Hometalk post for the demi lune table.

I was making tuna sandwiches for lunch when S stopped to join us. He headed back over at 1 to finish up. K tidied out her car then off to her room for awhile. I worked on tutorials. Grama, Papa and Candace arrived at 1:30. S was home soon after and our afternoon of visiting commenced.

He ain't hefe, he's my brother beer

Lexi all dopey after her big day

Brittany and the kids arrived next then Shaina. We enjoyed drinks and snacks on the deck with fabulous weather. Lexi was picked up after 4 as we were getting the burgers and food ready. B had appointments but was back to eat and she did fill the new tub with minerals S hung in the shelter after she fed Bird then off to condo meeting.

The Hatter's loaded up and were off after 7. I posted a tray for sale and within an hour it was sold, yeah! I caught Switch and fed her herbs. Kaylin sugared my armpits quickly before she and Lexi were off to the city still dopey from her day of surgery. It was a fairly early night to bed with the sun setting sooner. S was asleep in short order by 9 while I watched Good Girls till after 10 and not sure what Shaina was watching but could hear her thumping around her room LOL

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