Saturday, September 26, 2020

High 5!

The wind continued thru the night but has finally ended upon waking!! And the sunrise was a beauty. H and I took the potty loop after I snapped a few photos and as we did the herd of deer crossed. The other morning Roo being the inquisitive one went to check them out then her and Switch moved them along. Perhaps they were channeling Lola, Harley again never scented them either time. 

above are with camera and below iphone

In the garage we worked on basic commands with some of the food then took the container and long line outside to let J out. While doing so it seems the container spilt which made the breakfast hunt now on the barn floor. This allowed for me to go fill J's dish and clean the kitten litter box. Back outside she was on long line chasing J when she could while I picked zucchini. Inside for a cap and H to try her frozen food in the qwizel which was a HUGE hit and allowed me to get some computer work done. I wrote a tutorial for the navy desk with my morning javas and a napping H.

I rousted Shaina with a cappuccino before 11 and went and painted one of the chair bases. She joined H and I for a walk around 11:30. We tried her first off leash open pasture but it did not go so well so back to the structured walk. Along the road she is super good so we walked to close the pasture gate locking horses in then back to the garage to practice some commands and learn a new trick "high 5". She picked that up super fast.

 first off leash in the pasture video

We came in for kale salad lunch with a bit on quinoa added, def not the usual lunch for bulking up Shaina. She got busy working on her website and I started painting a chair while we waited for Britt to join us for a ride. When she arrived around 1, H and I were out for a poop loop so the dogs got a playtime before the ride. H stayed in garage kennel and Cooper came along. The wind picked up around noon sadly but it was still sunny but once we tacked up and hit the trail threatening storm clouds loomed to the north. Nothing though as they circled east.

When we got back Britt pulled out her new massager and tried on the horses. I went and got H from garage for another play and horse exposure. S had let KD go right away and back to her website work. 

watching Britt under Cooper's belly :)

Auntie Mindy's aster are starting to bloom now it is cool

arley went to the garage to rest and I to update a few things. B and C were headed home at 3:30. Shaina was loaded up around 4:30 to head to the city for a housewarming then sleep over at Kaylin's but first she came out to video tape the new trick H has mastered. About 10 drops of rain came down as she was leaving and letting horses out.

be sure you go to the website to see her trick video!

I painted the 4 chairs a second coat finishing after 6. H was cute checking my pieces and standing beside me hoping for pets and treats but did go have a nap on the mattress. We did food for commands and tricks then looped around the house for bathroom break and inside so I could eat. I have nothing in the fridge so opted for 3 scrambled eggs with cheese and a nut bar washed down with a cold beer. Training videos and computer work, a soak in the tub then a final loop before 9 and we both went to bed. I turned the tablet off at 9:30!!

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