Sunday, September 20, 2020

1st pack walk

 I woke at 6:30 feeling like I actually had a good chunk of sleep. It was then a bit of tossing till I got up dressed and took H out after 7:30. It had rained a bit thru the night so the air smelled less smoky. We did our quick potty loop then back in for breakfast in a ball. It started to drop a few big rain drops as we came in but ended quick. I left her to search out another scoop while I went and gave J his pills and filled the kitty dishes/water then back to do Harley's eye meds. I worked a bit on the drum table that has been on hold but no luck leveling the top so may add a felt. I mixed up some new color milk paint and left to soak up. 

Look what I found while painting, thanks MOM!! I missed it online.

shop dog

She and I came in to do computer work, she got to try her new qwizel toy  It takes her no time to get the bully stick out and devour. S rousted from bed and made his coffee serving me a cup before 9.

Another walk and back to the garage to paint the drum table a coat of the cream color. I always forget the wood filler I use has a pink dye that shows where you have put it but when wet it reactivates. No worries it dries clear again.

S helped me haul the coffee table downstairs and the desk inside. He then ran to town for a few things after 11 while I staged the desk and worked on the blog.

Britt and Cooper were out around 12:30, we took Harley and Cooper to play in the round pen. Sheldon was back with Opa lunch after 1 so zipped in to eat. Kaylin, Lexi, Devon and Theo arrived after 1:30 for the meet and greet of the new animals. We started out with a pack walk down the road and back to the round pen to play.


Turns out Theo likes to play but with humans not bigger dogs. He will play with Cooper when alone but when together we wants to have all the toys and growl and snap at H. This was a surprise to me but was very proud of Harley's wanting to play attitude. She was even chill with Lexi and Lexi her.

video footage

I took Harley to garage kennel for a rest so K could meet the kitties. Lexi was ok with them but not a huge fan, she did like their food though. B fed Bird then after a bit of a rest took her back to the round pen. She and Cooper had a fun play but once Theo came over he again did not want to join the play and of course Cooper becomes shy and timid but Harley tried her best to get him to play. Lexi even ventured into the pen for a bit.

Lexi meeting new kitty

They loaded up and were headed back to the city after 2:30. B and I took the dogs into the barn and did a kitty test, it is getting a bit better as Cooper showed the proper kitty interaction behavior. She only tried to put a kitty head in her mouth once, NO!. They had a sprint around the arena then it was rest time. B and Cooper headed home and we went to the garage. The mattress S picked up was comfy but hot so the floor was a better place to lay. Eye meds were put in and a ball of food.

S popped into the garage while I was painting a second coat on the drum table. He chugged an orange breezer then off to big brown. I let this coat dry and came in to computer; while Harley snored and S tried to, I wrote a Hometalk Post for the candlestick.

We sat on the deck now that the wind had settled a bit but it actually was too hot in the sun now that it hit 23. Harley and I headed back to the garage after a bit with a new shed S gave her. She was very excited but it was so large. This is the foam bed he grabbed in town for her too.

He took it to cut in pieces so easier to manage. I painted a 3rd coat on the drum table. She chewed up his new torque wrench box with vengeance while he was sawing.

box shedding in action

Now inside to cook up the tacos. S chopped lettuce, tomatoes and avocados and grated cheese for one our favorite meals. After enjoying supper he was in big brown and I on the computer. Getting dark by 7:30 now is sad but the wind went right down making for a gorgeous evening after the gross wind today, S closed up the shop and I gave J his pills then put in Harley's ointment and took her for a quick loop.

Tucked into her kennel I crawled in to watch more Home Edit. I checked her at 10 to take out and she was flat out for left her inside for the night and shut out my light soon after. Tonight is the first I am starting to feel better. S said he started Friday night but he was a few days ahead of me getting it and giving it to me :)

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