Friday, September 25, 2020

Coffee table sells

Still windy and 6 when I took H for her walk at 7:30. There was sun at least which J was happy to scoot out into. H really wanted to play when he zips by. Back inside I did some work on place (I brought the cushion in), take it and leave it commands. Place is not sticking sadly as it is the one I want if she is to be inside. Practice I guess. Cappuccino and a bit of computer then back out to try scatter food in the grass on a long line. I opened the yard wire then she and I walked to the gate to lock the horses in then back to finish food. 

I worked on the blog when Shaina text for a cappuccino before she went to train Sharon at 11 and I did as she bid then she was off. Kaylin and her doggie duo arrived around 11:30. After hauling in her stuff we took the dogs to the round pen but Theo was still not a fan even with no toys and Devon not there. Lexi gave her a quick play though :). Off to the house to make tuna sandwiches. Shaina joined for hers after finishing her training.

play videos

Kaylin sugared my eyebrows and armpits and was finishing up when Sharon arrived for her first time getting sugared. Sharon was off and it was Shaina's turn. Kaylin then dyed our eye brows, what a handy beauty gal to have THANK YOU!!

Kaylin packed up including the dogs and was off around 2:30. Shaina and I took Harley for her first long line walk around the east pasture seeing horses were locked up. She loved it. Back at the garage to show Shaina her commands learned so far and worked on a new one "drop it" and "bang"  then inside for a rest while we tried to do some computer work with a warm cappuccino on the side. 

Accounting then time to prep supper. It was sooooo good. Shaina brought and made roasted Brussel sprouts to go with my salmon, quinoa and sautéed zucchini. We then hauled up the teal coffee table seeing I had a gal enquire about it this am and replied with request to see it tonight. They arrived after 7 and it was sold in a few minutes. EMT loaded and they were off, yeah!


Britt and Cooper arrived just after they did and started to feed Bird. Harley was stoked to play with Cooper. They even had 2 rounds in the pen with breaks even. What a gorgeous night, the sky was amazing. B & S played with the kittens for a bit. As I was filling the water bucket Shaina was holding her but the two took off and raced around the tree area having a good old time but soon were brought back to order. Coop and B were off for home and 3 of us came in. I made a cocktail for S and I who are each doing our computer work and H napping. Shaina headed down to soak in the tub before 10 and again I am late for taking H out but she would not budge from the office kennel after her busy day so I left her. In bed I watched more training videos, Youtube has the answer to anything and 1000's of versions!


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