Monday, September 14, 2020

Mr Jenkins goes to emerge

6:30 and someone wanted to go out, actually I think I was awake earlier and she sensed it. I pulled on joggers and a hoody over my nightie and out we went. It was dark and cold and after going she headed back to the house door. But once inside she was not ready to go back to bed LOL. Off to the garage to work on a couple commands and have her search and find breakfast. I added the second color to the coffee table where I scraped it off. Last night I added the first color while out there. 

check out this funny early morning excitement videos.. remember you can only see videos on the website

She and I came in so I could make a cappuccino as now 7:30. Time to get a bit of computer work caught up while I enjoyed it then she wanted out again but mainly for water. I did take her for a loop around the round pen and give the kitties more food before heading back inside. The day looks like a repeat smoky cool day ahead like yesterday. While I enjoyed a second cup I got a few things caught up. Sheldon arose after 8:30 and made his coffee and delivered me one before he was back in bed with his. Eventually he moved to big brown. Mom called and while chatting I walked H around the house on leash then we went to garage for her to sniff around and chew on the bison bone.

Back to the kennel and computer. S did head to the shop around 11 starting to put the bottom rail up and back for some of the leftover soup for lunch. I put a roast in the slow cooker. After a bit more computer work while Harley snored I snuck out the back door to check and play with the kitties for a bit. S came out too and got back to his lower rail project. I went and got Harley and we helped a bit till he ran out of bolts as well as H took a rip around the round pen. I took her in at 2 and doctor her eyes and let her chew the bone for a bit with me as the holder for part of it.

S and I needed to run to town to drop parcel at post office, get more bolts and check out the Paetz's oven dilemma. Originally I planned to take Harley to test drive the car ride but decided seeing it is not 72 hours yet to meet new people and adventures I would take the kittens so loaded them up. I also found a dog crate just like Cooper's to have on hand for the garage and travel if needed. 

Our first stop was UFA which to the bolts added a heated pet dish for the kitties over winter, sunflower seeds for the horses and a 6 pk of knit gloves. The parcel dropped next then to Paetz's. Only the 2 littles were home currently with Craig but Aislyn was stoked to see the kitties, She must have kissed them at least 50 times. S trouble shot the oven.

The crate seller was just around the corner so we stopped to grab it. The simple task turned a bit chaotic when her cats were upset with one even biting my sweats and hissing and then while trying to get a blanket out a kitty litter box was dumped in it requiring it all taken apart and the tray wiped clean LOL She helped me carry it out and had to see the kittens too. Now it was 3:45 and the 2 bigs would be home from school so stopped back for them to see. They were super stoked as was Aislyn that we were back. Amanda arrived home form the city as we were all on the grass with my shampoo/conditioner. Great timing. After getting her groceries in she popped out to meet the kitties too while the fellas checked the stove and hail damage. It was after 4:30 when we headed home and I tucked the tired kitties back in their stall to eat, drink, potty and sleep.

The roast smelled divine. I walked Harley again and took her to the round pen where opps she popped cooper's ball in her excitement. Inside we prepped supper and man it was good with new potatos/carrots. Now it was 6 and H was hungry. I sprinkled her food around the garage and took her out to search it up. I started the black desk while she did so. On the underside was TONS of what I am pretty sure was SNOT wiped on it. I had S help me lay it up on the table and I gagged as I chipped and shop vacuumed it and cleaned with paper towel soooo gross. Once complete I removed the hardware and hauled coffee table down off the table and did touch up paint and a bit of sanding. S tidied up and was off to TV room for sports.

all cleaned and ready to paint, it has been custom called in navy

Britt, Jenkins and Cooper were out at the usual time. We met at the round pen and the dogs had a good rip around. B had went to catch horses which had Harley all interested but again I distracted her and put her in her kennel. Back outside I caught Switch and fed her the food I had made up.

She checked Roo's leg which was much better  let all out, loaded up her 2 and set the horses free to big pastures and headed home. I worked on the blog until Britt called at 9 saying J was yowling again and wanted one of us to meet her part way and take him home. A few minutes later after S was on his way she found he was peeing blood and called the vet clinic and took him in. S returned home as I was just getting back from setting up a bucket of water and J's cat food for his return as well as refilling the kittens food, topping their kitty litter and adding another fluffy blanket to their tree house. It was only 11 as a high today and tomorrow not much higher.

S jumped in the tub to soak. Britt called back with good news, no blockage for J but would take xray to check for kidney stones luckily nothing showed. Dr Kyle feels it is stress related and Lord knows J has had lots of stress with losing his sister and being bounced around from town to home. The new kitties and dog have not hit right up there either. He will go home with new food, pills for stress, antibiotics and such and be monitored until his peeing resumes to normal. THANKS B for doing this.

I tried taking Harley out at 10 but she was so tired she was not even keen to head out and once out just sniff the air, no pee or water but just wanting back inside. Four rips around the round pen had her super tuckered.

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