Saturday, July 27, 2019

Small squares secured in the shopminutes before the storm!!

Our plan today was to go pick the small square bales before it got hot. Of course today we both managed to fall back asleep after waking around 7 till almost 9:30. Even the coffee grinder at 8:30 was not enough to roust us. However after a couple coffees and a hutteritte bun with my homemade rhubarb strawberry jam to get us going we set off to pick the bales.

It was 18 degrees outside when we woke and about 20 when we set out at 11 am and 28 by the time we picked 85 bales an hour later. WHEW, time for a cold beer or two on the deck.

Britt and Cooper arrived as we were doing so. I made us lunch before we set out again for the last part of the field. This time we took the ranger and the quad trailer after S cleaned it off and B and I unloaded the bales off the ranger in the shop. B drove while we picked and stacked and in about half an hour we had the last 52 picked up and heading home.

B let the horses out to frolic and eat in the winter pasture while S and I rearranged the shop to pull in the truck & dump trailer then the ranger and trailer. We had just gotten them in and about to close the shop and barn doors when the craziest wind storm hit and it blew like crazy.

When it eased a bit, S and I headed for the house where B was perusing the internet. She is interested in purchasing a home and we had 2 viewings at 3:30. A bit of rain blew in with the storm but only enough to make a mess of the windows. On the way to and thru town we saw lots of snapped trees and wind damage and in town for sure had more rain.

The viewings were eye opening and have gotten the urge to own a home going even more but also eliminated the one she hoped to be a cute fixer upper. We stopped at Paetz's for a short visit then off to do a few errands with B buying us an iced coffee then back to the ranch for supper by 6.

B took a break from her Netflix marathon and house hunting to give supplements and put horses back in their respective paddocks around 9 seeing they are all so chubby even with what looks like hardly any grass. I worked on blog posts getting a few days behind again with a cappuccino I made us. S perused the net searching up barbecue parts and submitting a thermostat rebate. Once he was successful I ordered via Amazon prime.

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