Tuesday, July 30, 2019

last 4 horses trimmed

The usual early coffee and internet perusing with me moving to marketing and S getting water going. I put the kitchen collection tutorial live.

Kaylin sourced this cutie on her BC vacation, thanks lovey!!

Jacob caught the last of the coffee at 11 so I made a new pot for Shaina who was up awhile after eventually heading to town to her 11:30 training sessions. I went out and caught Daisy to trim her while Jacob took his motorbike for a ride and Sheldon went for another load of water.

Jacob coming back from his venture on his motorized white steed

Britt and Cooper arrived before noon as Jacob set off. She caught Bird and we trimmed her next. She also gave supplements before we changed. S had a bite to eat then he jumped in the swather to drive it to town. We picked him up at 2 leaving Jacob to run his drone for some farm footage. S dropped us at the bank and ran a few errands picking us back up within the hour. Britt now is informed to her buying strength if she finds a home she likes. S had us stop at the ag grounds and look at new panels for this w/e's running with the bulls and be dammed if they won't work.

Driving thru McDonald's we got an iced coffee and set off for the ranch where Jacob and Shaina were just setting out for their afternoon ride after 3 in the 29 degree heat of the day. S got back to watering and refilling totes while I went out and trimmed KD when they got back followed by Roo. A crazy wind storm rolled in about 4.

Jacob returning on his grass engine steed

my rasper in training

Supper was lasagna brought by Grama Pat awhile back, THANK YOU! It sure fit in well on such a hot busy day. Before Shaina and Jacob set off for town for 6 pm boot camp we loaded the new plant I potted up carefully in the back seat.

B had a nap but once she woke we prepped for a ride. I had a couple stop for a pile of boxes I had compiled. B had caught Switch for me but Pepper was in far field so S drove me out, gave me a boost and I rode him back for S to get tacked up to join us. It was a lovely night for a ride as the breeze kept the bugs at bay.

Once back and the horses were put away, B loaded up Cooper and they set off for home after 8:30

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