Tuesday, July 16, 2019

rain and riding

I was awake a few times in the night, like when B let Cooper out at 1 then again 5. Then the dam magpies at 6 and the rain started at 6:30 I gave up and got on with my day. B let both dogs out at 7 so I got up and made my cappuccinos and worked on marketing. I had 2 caps before 9 am! The rain had let up and was back at 9, we had planned a trail ride today that won't be happening.

I woke up Shaina after 10 as she has a training session at 10:30 and dressed quick. Seeing it was raining I may as well run to town and get groceries. We dropped the trash on our way and her at training. I grabbed groceries and refreshments then picked up a new fly sheet Britt had ordered before picking up Shaina. We got a Tim's tea, the mail on the way by and then back home by noon.

Britt was outside hosing off Roo's leg and reapplying it. Shaina cooked up grilled cheese while I put groceries away and started a pot of hamburger soup. The sun came out at 1, I checked and we had 1 1/2/10ths of rain.

B continued her laundry while Shaina napped and I did marketing. After 2 B and I went out to ride as Shaina slumbered on. We had a lovely ride, hosed them and back in the house at 3:30 where Shaina was still sleeping. She did wake up to join us for a bowl of soup.

Pepper LOVES his scratches, this was about #6, he sidles up beside B anytime she stopped walking to get a good scratch

Bird loves a good water puddle

B went out to sort horses, try on her new blanket and a few other horse related things while Shaina worked on her workout plans. B loaded up Cooper and headed home at 5:30 and Shaina was off to the gym at 6.

LOOK another peony, not huge but it is pretty

I worked on marketing, writing tutorials including one for the pink jewelry box and watching technique videos.

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