Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Hay cut and baled

I awoke in the night to loud wind and it seems it must have brought some rain as the deck was wet when we awoke. Coffee in bed to start the day. I was then up to open all the Amazon parcels S had picked up at the mail box last night on his way home. It was just like Christmas.

S and I headed out before 11 to load the dining table paid for awhile back and left here in storage. I loaded a cooler with ice to take along for my Costco run and just as I was ready to leave I saw Bird's blanket and thought shiny silver might be warm for todays high temperatures so took it off. He was off to swath and me on my furniture errand run after 11.

She had just rolled and it is all off kilter and the head band over one ear LOL

My first stop was to drop off my 2 Etsy parcels and pick up the 5 bags of dog food ordered with my Amazon Prime. Whew that was my first workout of the day. I then set off to Airdrie with the first stop to pick up Britt then off to the thrift store where I had won 3 more pieces in their auction.

It was a doozy loading up at 30 but the heat only got warmer. We stopped at two more thrift stores where we both made some scores. B was super excited to get a Breville espresso machine but sadly later in the day she found it did not work ;(

The table lady met us at Costco at 2 and we managed to wrangle it in her car after much figuring. Inside Costco we loaded up on our grocery and 2 more perennial plants. Off to B's where Dave was mowing grass but stopped to help us unload treasures, have a quick visit then I was off again. Amanda had tagged me in a free china cabinet, I had contacted the lady but it was in Calgary, She had messaged when I was at B;s that if I did not want it they were tossing it. That cannot happen so I rerouted my way home via deerfoot to save it.

Lordy b it was now 32+ degrees and this cabinet was HEAVY. Two ladies and a grama trying to figure out how to get the two pieces apart resulted in putting all screws back in when it indeed did not come apart. I neighbor was walking by and helped us load it full size into the horse trailer, whew there was work out #2 of the day.

On the road again heading east with the last stop to see 2 antique dressers I had inquired about at the same place S got his hoist. When I got there at 5:30 I found them to NOT have matching hardware or even original and wonky drawers so saving myself $150 I passed on them and headed home.

trying to get a photo of the freshly cut, dry swaths, raked swaths and bales from r-l

guard dog watching the baler

can you see the baler in the golden haze?

S was raking when I got to the ranch at 6, he had cut the winter pasture and old filed earlier today too. I unloaded all my groceries, turn on the A/C as the house was 30 degrees inside and made a lunch for the farmer and ran it out to him along with a cold beer and jug of water. By the end of the night when he came in at 9:30 he had made 30 bales. I was out watering pots when he rolled in.

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