Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Purses & Pantry Purge

I woke inspired to keep going. No time to paint now folks as I continue to work thru the tidying process. Today I continued work in my closet hauling out handbags and suitcases as first category.

before and after.. her secret is to put similar bags inside each other (3 at the most), leave straps hanging out to know which is inside, toss stuffing paper, store upright and keep it simple

While in my closet I purged all the baskets along the top shelf. 2 were full of brochures and such I collected from all out trips with the intent of doing scrapbooks of each. I decided yesterday that I would rather lose the guilt of not getting them done and get rid of it all. It was much easier then I thought. I did keep a few hotel and country maps which fit in a small storage box. I found more currency too which was put in the safe for future travels.

There were 2 boxes of treasures which I went thru and here is my memory photo, THANKS B. Finding even more coupons is the real bonus. I am calling all these in this year!

Once that was complete it was on to pantry. KonMari method says to keep all items of a category in the same storage space so you can always see how much you have and this is so true... especially for food. So many times I find large Costco snacks expired because they were in the storage room. The pantry was gutted and anything past expiry tossed, non food items moved out to make room for my storage room goodies. Even a full bottle of Mexican black licorice liquor Sheldon and I won in a dance contest years ago was dumped. The pantry looks so great. As I was doing this I melted the last of the honey in 2 little glass jam jars on the stove and recycled the big plastic tub.

That led to cleaning the fridge which was fairly swift as there is not allot in it but nice to have it all current and wiped clean. The freezer drawer was done as well. I tossed all the bread pieces saved for stuffing and hash brown etc out for the birds to get in the am and Lola got a frozen wiener with the rest put in garage freezer as her treats.

I sorted the recyclables in the garage to prep for my trip to town tomorrow. All the paper I purged where bagged and set to go. Now to finish the book as it is due back tomorrow.

the only picture of B's vacation I saw

pretty falls

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