Sunday, January 20, 2019

Cooper comes for a week of "winter" camp

The coyotes were going nuts with a crazy cacophony of calls waking me at 3:30. Lola was doing her best to keep them at bay with her boisterous barking patrol. I saw the 6 horses coming to the shop paddock from the SW paddock which was reassuring to see them all in the bright full moon light and only -6. I managed to fall asleep around 5 worrying Lola did not get too brave all on her own but knowing her presence helped.

The sun was brightly shining again as I watched the sunrise at 8:30. The days are getting a bit longer. The horses had gone back to their sentinel guard positions in the SW paddock and stood quietly there until I walked out after 10. The herd and its dynamics are so unique. They were all somber in their stance but all came when they saw me walking over the knoll. Hawk's body was just as I had left it, nothing had gotten close thanks to the herd and Lola this I am sure and thankful.

They followed me back to the shop where I treated them all to a round of oats to celebrate Hawk.

Inside I finished writing up the vanity blog post while Lola came in for a rest. I also had to get the SHOP post written for it as there have been inquires to price and details.

Big thanks to all who took the time to send heartfelt words on Facebook , texts and calls. They are all so very much appreciated.

Britt and Cooper arrived at around 1, perfect timing as I was getting a bit peckish. I pulled out one of the Chef's plate meals, beef chow mien and whipped it up for us. B went out to visit the horses and was back in time to eat. Neither of us were a fan of the chow mien noodles, first meal I did not care for in all that I have gotten.

We then headed out in the ranger and trimmed Roo's feet. Switch and Bird got a quick front foot tidy too while they ate a bale I tossed. Soon after we made a trip thru town, Britt washing her car and me grabbing teas, then I followed her to her auto body guys place to drop her car to have deer damage fixed while they are gone.  It was then back home, poor Lola was tuckered after her night on duty so had a rest while we were gone then she and Coop set off for a patrol.

this guy trekked along the rail top to find us out in the pasture and caught a ride back in the ranger with his longed for snuggles

Britt caught a nap while I did a few tweaks on the round tray. The stencil was lightly distressed and clear coated as per lady's request.

For a late supper, we had simple scrambled eggs, beans and toast. Dave had his last races for 2 months today. After finishing up he then transported all but the yearlings to a pasture in Olds for their vacation too. He arrived at 9 and after a short visit they were off for home before 10 to prep for their Mexican vacation in the morning. I hoped into the shower then bed to practice my Spanish lessons online with Cooper on his bed nearby.

Cooper was pacing when Lola set off on a patrol at 1 so I got a blanket, covered my bed and had him launch up. He was pleased to be able to watch her from this spot with the full moon lighting as she circled the house and ranch for over an hour. Did you know there was a lunar eclipse last night over a super blood wolf moon?

photo from Instagram

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