Monday, January 21, 2019

desk underway

Cooper was awake at 8:30 with a wagging tail and a stretch and was soon off to explore with his buddy Lola. Britt and Dave were anxiously awaiting their plane and soon would be off to their Mexican destination (the same hotel S and I and Candace stayed 2 years ago) The other 2 text and sent photos of their Costa Rican adventures heading today to Santa Teresa.

Looking out I saw Coop trying to play with the horses so had to hustle out and call him in, while out I tossed the horses a bale. It is another really nice day just above freezing but the sun and no wind makes it feel warm .

Today I needed to get started on Sharon's desk. Time to try the new putty I bought and build the edge that was broke off. It worked pretty easily but is smelly. I had a bit left so as not to waste, I applied it to another antique vanity with missing veneer.

 I added a bit more dark wax to the tray and it is done. Photos were snapped too to post.

 inspector even passed it

Back outside I walked to brush and braid some locks of Hawk's mane and tail as a memory talisman.  Again the horses found me and stood like a quiet guards (Roo of course did have to get brave and come be right beside me mouthing the brush and my headband as per usual) It seems the cats trap door is frozen over so I put a block under the barn lift door so they could get back in after spending the day sunning on their favorite straw bales under the deck.

The desk drawer edge was now good and dry, time to sand to a smoother shape. Another project on the list was to scrub the custom shelf of Yvonne's ready to start its makeover. While I had the scrub stuff out I did Sharon's desk too and the final task of the day was to strip the top.

It was now 3:30 and I had pies ordered ready to pick up at 4 as well as a bread box I found on FB marketplace. However the crazy dogs were off on an adventure and had yet to come back. As I was driving down the lane I saw Cooper so turned around.  He raced to the house thinking the car was Britt but was not sure then if he should return to Lola but eventually I cajoled him into the house.

In town I stopped for the bread box, returned some clamps at Rona, picked up my pie order then headed for home grabbing the mail on the way. You have a parcel B ;) Time to try the new chicken pie with a side of steak pie for my supper.

cool pics I took.. one day late though for blood moon

Cooper came in at 7 and was asleep in no time, after my computer work blog writing I headed to bed and he followed me there and was again asleep, hard day at the ranch. He did not even make much of a stir when S got home after 11 putting Lola in for the night.

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