Tuesday, January 15, 2019

FOG rolled in thick

Marketing meeting at Sharon's this am. I headed over at 10 for our 2 hour motivational meeting. It is always good to discuss ideas and plans to work smarter not harder and also catch up on our busy lives. Thanks Sharon. It was sunny when I left but as per the weather forecast fog rolled in.

Once back home thru the fog I found Lola had brought Switch's boot Cooper chewed the tabs off. I bundled up and went out to remove the other one so not to strain the good leg. I left the pad and wrap on to help with the pressure from the frozen lumps on the ground but will remove later hopefully after Britt arrives to have a look at it.

I washed up the boots and will run the one to Sharon tomorrow to see if she can to a temp fix on the tabs just in case we need to put both back on.

Sheets were changed to prepare for Grama and Papa's reservation at The Ranch B&B then it was on to marketing catch up and blog posts, check out the matching tables one. I procrastinated long enough so finally went out and scrubbed up the crib to start painting. I was just finished it after 4 when Grama and Papa arrived followed right behind with Britt, Dave and Cooper.

We had a really good visit before we headed to town at 6 to meet Shaina for supper at the Roadhouse. Britt took her own car as on call and already had been texts there were things in the works. Once Shaina arrived we ordered and continued the visit. Something in the conversation jogged her memory that Tuesday night boot camp was not at 8 as she planned but rather 7:30 and the food was still not to the table after 7. She had her boxed up to go but did get to eat a bit of the salmon she shared with Grama before she was off about quarter after. B's phone rang confirming they needed her in surgery ASAP. Dave managed to get his plate finished but B had to box hers up and they were off thru the fog to get Cooper back at the ranch at to Moore's, she made it by 8:15!

Ma, Pa and I finished our meal and set out for home. Shaina was back to the ranch after 8:30 to join in our visit and we played cards before the travellers headed to bed after 11 to prep for their early departure to Mexico.

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