Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 is here

Hello 2019, I started the year changing the water filter on the coffee pot and resetting the odometer on my car. Fresh new year ahead.

Sharon popped over for coffee at 10:30. We spent almot 4 hours catching up and stratgizing for our businesses in 2019. Just before leaving she checked out the recent desk I purchased possibly for their home.

Britt sent a picture of her new cart all set up as a coffee station, adorable!

Time to paint the jewelry box, I went with the majority vote of purple. Two coats went on and after supper I applied the glaze to the drawer fronts and left to dry overnight.

It hit plus 4 today, that was nice. I worked on picture editing, organizing and getting blog posts written up while watching a few more You episodes. Lola did not want to come in as the coyotes were acting up and seeing it was still 2 degrees I left her out for the night.
enjoying hot tea in my new mug from B!

I found a new Netflix show to end my first day of the year with inspiration called Tidying with Marie Kondo. I am a firm believer of surround yourself with things you LOVE and now just need to learn to let the rest go.

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