Saturday, January 5, 2019

Fogged In

I woke at 3 am and there was fog and when awake at 8:30 the fog remained, it was a fogged in day and the chinook was gone with it now -8. Cappuccinos, marketing then off to paint. The dresser had touch ups rolled on then a hand rub of hemp oil to deepen the navy.

see top has hemp oil, bottom drawer has not yet

The tables were painted the base grey. I was just finished when Cooper and Britt rolled in at 1. I stopped for a lunch of my left over Vietnamese and visit then back to buff the hemp oil and roll the table tops another coat of ash.

paint reveals the clear factory drips which need to be sanded, grrr

B went out to check on her horses then got painting her water color portrait of Cooper while watching Netflix.

While all dried I wrote a blog post for the purple jewelry box. Then it was back out to sand the tables and the vanity. B finished up her Cooper portrait. Pretty cute.

Back in the kitchen I cooked up some goulash for supper then B was off to the couch with Coop to watch Netflix but fell asleep. I showered and worked on laundry long neglected. Lola spent the day covered in hoar frost, that seemed to help her always being hot in the garage at night ;) Sabrina kept me company while I caught up blogs and Britt sawed logs on the couch.

the set, I don't want to stack yet while paint fresh

She did wake after 8. She and I watched a few episodes of Dogs while cuddled in my cozy bed watching my iPad, of course Cooper was with us too. Watch the last 2 episodes... 1200 dogs in a Costa Rica sanctuary?? whoa.. and the NYC dog rescue is neat.. oh and the grooming on is cute too.

handy little gift from the prince that will be well used

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