Sunday, January 13, 2019

clothes purge & hoist comes home

I was wide awake at 7 am, it was still dark out. I laid there sorting thru so many ideas and plans as the sun's rays crept over the frozen prairie. (Yep I thought of that fancy line while laying there ) Eventually S woke and got his coffee brewing around 8:30 and we enjoyed a cup in bed before our Sunday plan. Today is clothing sorting the KonMari method.

ALL your clothes from all areas of the house must be piled in one place to really get a visual of what YOU have. We each had a side of the bed to stack ours, here is what we had. While cleaning out my top drawer I found my diamond earring that went astray awhile back, remember?? I found it when lost before in the dryer lint collector. This sweet diamond loves to play hide and seek with me but always returns.

We both got underway deciding which pieces we loved (which spark joy) and which did not and could move on. At 10:30 ish there was a brief break when the gal from Medicine Hat stopped to pick up her new table set. I helped her load them up and on her way and was back at the clothing purge/sort.

Seeing it was plus 8, Sheldon's plan to pick up the hoist when he was back next rotation shifted to today. He quickly finished his clothing sort with my help to get stuff hung and in drawers then he was off to get the tractor out and war it while he ran to Matt's to borrow his trailer.

I threw in laundry, finished some vacuuming and scrubbing of walls then put a coat of clear wax on the sanded breaded box while he started his tractor ride to the fellows place about 10 mins west. (it took him over half hour) I jetted over at 4 once he arrived there and they had the hoist pulled out.

I helped them guide it on the trailer. Before we left we had to sign the bill of sale then I was off. Even driving a bit slower then normal with the heavy load I was home in short order. Tonight is Good Food meal #2 BBQ chicken breasts with salsa verde. Have you ever had tomatillas?

After we rehydrated with a cold beer once S made it home thru the amazing sunset colored skies we tackled getting the hoist off the trailer and into the garage. The truck was backed out then I swept while he hooked up the chains. I was the balancing person as he used the tractor to lift off the trailer then drove the truck/trailer ahead then swung it into position in front of the door.

 Now it was my turn to be the driver/lifter in the skid steer while he was the guider of the hoist this time on the ground. Once mostly in the garage I jumped out to help wiggle it thru the door with the hydraulic canister side. In short order we had it inside and the door closed. Success!

I headed in to cook supper while he put the tractor and skid steer back in the shop. Supper was so yummy. I could really get used to this way of cooking.

After supper S was off to watch the Flames in the TV room while I wrote blog posts and did marketing. Check out the laundry window post. At 11 I crawled into bed after a very successful and busy day.

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