Saturday, October 6, 2018

Thouroughbred Races

It was a beauty day, perfect to go check out the thouroughbred racing at century downs. The weather is supposed to snow again Monday so S ran to town to grab the water lined needed to run from the hydrant to the shop he trenched before we headed out. We also ate quick and were on the road just after 12.

Making good time even with the round about crop tour we arrived at 1. We found the snow was much heavier as we went. Our place has virtually none and was 13 when we left but we went thru pockets where it was 3 and the snow was deep. 90% of the crops were covered in snow along the way ;(

Britt arrived to meet us as the first race took off at 1:15. The first 2 races were quarter horses and only short so took only 20 some seconds. She ran and got Cooper to hang out with us. The sky had not a cloud and what a beauty day. We stayed until race 6 and headed home at 3:30 taking Cooper with us while Britt ran errands before coming home.

off they go

#6 for the win

 Sheldon even got a PSA check via the man van on location

We detoured thru town to get fuel and grabbed a tea. After sipping it with some cookies and catching up on emails, S went out to put the water line in and bury it. I made supper as Britt arrived around 6:30. She ran out to give meds and check Birds eye. She ended up out there for over an hour trying to work with miss Roo too.

Matt arrived to watch the Flames game with Sheldon. I got Lola in and Britt retrieved Cooper from being stuck in the shop and headed to her room to watch Netflix. I wrote a valet blog post before crawling into bed to watch some videos. Flames won their game and the fellows shut it down after 11 and asleep in short order.

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