Saturday, October 20, 2018

Market day

Today is market day 10-4, I was awake at 6 who knows why but did fall asleep around 8 only to have alarm go off not long after ;( Prince made us coffee as I got ready and was out the door to meet Sharon at the yard gate. We made a stop at Tims before going to the market. The sales day was then underway. It went in waves but the day was mainly lookers with a few sales. Again there was more visiting with friends and customers as well as eyeing up other vendors wares.

S got machinery tasks going in the morning and ran to town at lunch for a new baler chain. He offered to bring me lunch but I had ate 3 muffins and grapes provided to us vendors. He was then headed home and this is where his day went bad. the new chain once on was off timing a hair and when started up had a wreck. he spent the rest of the afternoon frustrated working on it before bringing the trailer in to help me load up at 4.

We had it loaded in fairly good time and once back at the ranch unloaded even faster to the house. Jumping in the merc we took a drive to nearby land that is going up for auction, it turned out to be disappointing as rough looking scrub land. Back to the ranch for S to work on taking the baler apart to get to the bent pieces. I hauled boxes down to display storage, updated my sites and pages taking a break to give Hawk his meds. What a beauty day again hitting 19.

I cooked up supper and S barbecued souvlaki skewers when he came in after 6:30 as now getting dark. The rest of his night he scoured the internet for baler videos and info and I kept on the marketing end. I can now post more of my pieces on Etsy and other sites that are available. Hot soaks were needed to round off a very busy day.

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