Thursday, October 11, 2018

city jaunt

I have my final dental appointment today in the city!! It was overcast and dreary but the solar crew was here after 8:30 working on the panels. After my cappuccino I ran out and dosed Hawk with his meds as they were close to the yard.

By 11 I was on the road to the city making my first stop Costco to get it out of the way. I think everyone had the same idea as it was PACKED. The sun was now out and the temperature rising to 7! I stopped at Tims next to grab a bowl of soup and chai tea and headed to the fabric store. It has been years since I searched the overwhelming array of material but eventually I found a pretty upholstery fabric ON SALE even.

Then it was on to my dental appointment. Of course they were running behind and my appointment ran over cutting my plan to meet Kaylin too short to happen ;( Sadly I had to head south and make myself feel better stopping at my 3 favorite thrift stores. And yes they had some treasures for me.

I was on the road home by 5:30 making a quick stop in Langdon to grab a sub for my supper. On the drive it dawned on me my back felt much better! Back at the ranch in the lovely sunshine I got Lola fed, car unpacked and my sub eaten. I was then on to marketing work writing and posting a blog post for the blue frame.

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