Monday, October 15, 2018

B gets another flat tire

Looks like the nice weather is arriving for fall finally. I spent the morning putting a clear coat on the lazy Susan, while it dried I worked on accounting then dry brushed it white. The horses were in the paddock for water and sun bathing in the shelter so I quadded to close the gate as I have to take 2 later to Murray.

 few more staging photos taken

Salad for lunch then the hand painting on the lazy Susan. The dresser was next getting the dark wax on all sides and hauled in to stage. Luckily it is pretty light and my back is feeling so much better today. Staging is sometimes the hardest part next to choosing the color on a project but I did snap a few.

The lazy Susan was clear coated and whalaaa done.

Time to cut tags, price and list in a spreadsheet my pieces going to the market this w/e. The noon news says last year we were paying 97.7/ltr of gas and today the average is 122.9.

What a gorgeous day hitting 20 out! I finally got outside around 4:30 to catch Switch and Bird and take them to Murray. On the way I dropped off boxes of clothes and such at the church rummage sale. Both horses got their adjustments and we were back to the ranch by 6. I let all the horses back out as it is so lovely and there is so much still to eat in the pasture even though they are very chubby.

 photo bomber ;)

Back at the house I cleaned out the trailer of poop, and moldy food B left in a tub and emptied the water she had packed for the last tournament. As I was moving buckets and my saddle to the barn she called saying she had a flat tire and needed the tire key left here at the ranch. Who knew tires had a one of a kind nut key. So I had to find it, and the wrench kit and the lever and hey while I am at it a summer tire and the nuts and load them up to drive to her so her Dad who lands tonight can change her tire. Come on B!  "well this is what you get when you own kids" was her reply, hmmmm.

this never gets old

I loaded it all up in my car and came in to eat a late supper before jetting her way at 8:30 stopping in town for a hot beverage for the drive. I was going to grab a tea and saw the free McDonalds coupon so grabbed a Carmel latte... wait that is coffee I broke my plan ;(

Mercedes tire repair at your service

I got to B's where we watched a bit of Tv and she served me a glass of water and slice of salami, such a hostess ;) S was delayed on the plane but off after 10 so we went to meet him at Britt's car. It seems though he took a wrong turn and ended up on QE2 and a round about route back to us. Once he was in place it was a fairly quick change and we were all off. But not before B had me swing thru shell to borrow my credit card to fill up. S headed for home and I ended up beating him home as he too swung thru town for fuel.

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