Friday, October 12, 2018

painting projects on the go

Dave dropped the dump trailer off quietly (except his truck may have loud mufflers and I hear everything) not even rousting Lola at 8 and was off. I got a cappuccino and enjoyed it in the bright sunshine with some marketing.

At 10 it was 10 above but with the warmth came wind. Sharon invited me for coffee at 10:30 to catch up. It was a great catchup with her and Shelby and Darren too. I left with a back drop board, 2 end tables and a couple smalls and will return for a table when Sheldon is home, thanks Sharon.


Back home at 1:30, the sun was still shining and now 16!! with the still wind blowing. I got the 4X8' board out of the box and in the garage along with the end tables but dang it I wrenched my back hauling the moldy dresser out to make room ;(

A ate a quick sandwich and was out in the garage prepping to paint however the one drawer needed wood filler so I did that, filled inside the dresser 2 rails and left to dry. Writing up the dining table blog post was next order of business and putting it in a few places.

The dark skies from the north rolled in and around 3 rain and stronger wind blew for the rest of the afternoon. I sorted my recent small purchases, snapped pics and brought a jewelry box in to paint while watching Ellen.

Kaylin called for a facetime on how to use her new espresso machine, how handy is that facetime? :) Well demonstrating I made another cappuccino and after my morning one and 2 coffees at Sharon's I seem to think perhaps my tummy issues of late may be related to coffee.. I am going to go coffee free for a week and see.  Two coats of white paint on the jewelry box and distressing and it might be done.

Back out to the garage to sand the dresser repair now dry, mix up some black paint and texture powder and apply. I prepped a few more pieces and brought in to paint in the light of day inside as now 8. I was pleased to get a message from my friend Jean who has been pondering the ebony cabinet since posted that she will take it, but has no idea when she would pick it up... hmmm.

Netflix has new episode of Riverdale so watched it while doing dishes then changed my mind and painted the mirror I brought in a coat of warm white. Then off to a soak in the tub with some Fuller House then found the latest season of Grey's Anatomy was loaded so started it. I ended up watching 4 episodes till 2 am ;)

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