Friday, October 19, 2018

Market evening

Friday already and today is the local fall market. While in my housecoat I gave Hawk his meds yet again. I am sure he tries to guess what I will be wearing. After our coffee we headed to town at 10:30 to set up my booth. It did not take long with S’s help to get it in and I had it arranged in less then an hour while he surfed his phone. It seems I forgot 1 entire tub, good thing we are going back home.

We stopped at the rummage sale as we passed by. I did not find any more treasures but did snap a sweet little metal jug and Tupperware piece both for .25. Sheldon scored an antique oil lamp even getting a sweeter deal then tagged.

It was now after 12 so we stopped at the Roadhouse for lunch. Perfect morning for sure. Now off to the ranch. I rounded up the missing tub and did a few marketing things hoping to bring traffic to the market while the prince had a wee nap. I was headed back to town at 2:30 to set up the last of the items and be ready for the 4 door opening. I had time to catch up with a few other vendors I know too. S stayed home to organize his shop.

The market was fairly busy seeing many friends and followers. A few sales and few plans to to future projects were made before I was off for home after 8. Time for a cold beer and update spreadsheets, albums and posts then I hit the tub for a hot soak after all that standing. S was enjoying the hockey and baseball games in his TV room for the evening. It was a fabulous weather day too hitting plus 20’s.

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