Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Wind and fires abound

A dang fly woke me at 8:30, well actually I woke when Kaylin left just after 6 for her 3rd day in a row, poor girl! But soon after 8:30 Britt was up for the day too. She was stoked to dole out her gifts and sort thru her packing and accounting for the trip. Sheldon joined us to make coffee and get going before he was off at 10 to town for a doctors appointment and few errands.

<3 <3 this was my stash THANKS B!!! <3 <3

Our plan today was to leave around 12:30 to pick up Switch and Roo but the windy 22 degree day had Jac calling to reschedule for tomorrow. Thank goodness as I was just thinking it was picking up and soon after it really did.

Sheldon was back at 1 not reading his text plans changed, Shaina was now up too so made omelets for her, prince and B, what a nice girl. She then packed up a few more things to take with her when heading back to the city later today.

S was back to town around 2 for more errands. Seeing it was so crappy out and we were not going anywhere even though it hit 22, I hauled out the vacuum and got back to tagging and marking pieces for this weekends sale. The winds increased hitting over 100 kms, dirt once again was flying. Sheldon was back home after 4 and soon a brief rain squall blew past. Smoke could be seen to the south east as fires started in Siksika and caused lots of trouble.

Kaylin blew in after 5, got her gifts from Britt and soon was asleep on the couch with Lex. She slept for a good solid 2 hours missing supper with us. Sheldon hit the TV room for sports, Kaylin once ate worked on packing her room and Britt continued her relaxing Neflix day and I continued working on the blog, organizing photos and such while watching Grey's. The fire updates for Acadia Valley and Siksika improved and finally the wind let up at 10!

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