Tuesday, October 3, 2017

what a difference a day makes

Ash was up just after 7 quietly watching his ipad on the couch. I was letting Lexi out when Amanda came up and Ada out too. AJ had Ash dressed and they were off soon after to trek to town, grab a bite of breakfast and pack lunch and get Asher to school for 8:20. Ada and I ate pizzelles and played "shopping". AJ was back around 9 and soon after Sheldon joined us for a coffee. He went out to feed the whining cats, pitch a small square to the horses only to find that his secured teepee was indeed flattened yet again ;( Archer did not wake up till around 10! They got packed up and headed home to their now heated house at 10:30.

 firepit snowed in and below the ice yard and flattened teepee

Sheldon and I looked at flights for our next weeks planned get away but in the end booked nothing ;(  After lunch, Sheldon took a drive to pick up his finished bison hide while I stayed home to catch up on the blog for last few days.

check out the snow drifts between the house and shop, wow and this has already had melting today

check out more snow and what a lovely day today is

 Prince was back before 4:30 with his latest bison rug. Time to get back to the vacation details, sadly the really cool one in Quebec City was sold out as was a flash promo.

 Time to make supper then get back to searching, what a pain. And still no decision by bed time. Shaina had her first shift this evening so Kaylin had to wait until done and what was thought to be ending at 10 was moved to 12 and them not home till 1:30 .

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