Wednesday, May 24, 2017

wind and rain .. and lots of both

yesterdays project 

So the wind they forecast hit briefly around 5 then let up leaving an overcast gloomy morning. Britt was gone to work so I got to work on a few indoor projects including the dining table. I went with watering down Fusion paint to stain in layers.


 grey wash then ash randomly added
 then washed in white and left to dry

The rain started just before noon and came down for an hour then let up to nothing. An hour later the dreaded wind arrived and it BLEW. Rain rolled in again later but not sure it is actually landing the wind is so fierce.

I did table repairs.. note to self do before painting the top but oh well. The leg caps were a bit of a bugger to get off but now to clean them :/

It had hit 19 this am but dropped down to 3 (that is 25 degrees colder then yesterday!!) for a bit then went to 7, crazy weather. The wind raged and the rain pummeled down. Even after my batten down hatches it seems I forgot the barbecue cover. I headed out to gather it up and put in the shop, it was like fighting a hurricane. It looks like the closest shelter wall is suffering too.

here is Lola's food dish I brought in at 5 pm, thats allot of water

I whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies while I watched Ellen then cooked them when I was cooking the lazy enchilada casserole I made for supper. Britt arrived home around 7, finally cause I was hungry now. She was off to her room and I went back to the garage to polish the leg caps. I tried 2 with brass polish and 2 with ketchup (as per suggestion post I had) I guess I may not have left the ketchup on long enough, that and because they are REALLY dirty maybe. I kept polishing them all with brass cleaner and eventually got them fairly clean.

now to clean these

brass cleaner left, ketchup right, then all brass cleaner and lots more elbow grease later below

My next adventure was to driftwood stain over the table top. Time to let all dry over night, come in and blog a bit while watching a few more Sense8 episodes with a cookie or two ;) My sofa table blog went live.

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