Thursday, May 11, 2017

crazy weather day

Today is the opposite of yesterday, the sun was shining when Britt was off to work at 6:30. I made coffee and watched some inspirational minimalist videos on YouTube ;) I did some computer work and laundry but decided to head out and try and get hand mowing done. This plan did not go well as the push mower has not been running this year and even with loads of pull starts and actually firing a handful of times it would not stay running.. grrr. I moved on to digging more dandelions for the horses and low and behold found my missing tree tag.

I kept moving the water around the new fall seeded areas. I love my timers but sure not loving the sodium marks this year. It was 20 at 11 am already, perhaps the high they are calling for will hit.

The 2nd person in this Saturday's paint class cancelled last night ( and cancelled her sofa table pickup today as sick) so it looks like no lesson so I got to work in the garage stain oiling the antique chair I had sanded and scrubbed. While I was at it I got the hemp oil out and did the leather seat, one of my shoes and brought out one of the drawers for my sideboard. I sanded and cleaned before oiling ALL surfaces of this drawer and did it ever soak it up.

chair before above, half oiled below left and all oiled below right and the seat half done

The beauty weather did not hold, around 1 it started to cloud over. While inside snapping a few pictures of the drawer back in a brief windstorm and few drops of rain blew thru just before 2. It did not last long as 3 the sun was back out and hit 23. I had tried to assemble a new yard ornament we bought only to find the luck of the draw had a lemon with one of the screw holes plugged.

Time to go out and mow.. with the big mower. For the next 2 1/2 hours I cut grass including the highway ditches and approach and the lane way. All is looking good. I ran out of gas just about as I was almost done. Once filled back up I finished up as Britt rolled in from work at 6:15.  She was fit to be tied as had just been stopped for speeding but instead the officer tried to pick off her window tint and gave her a lesser ticket for having the front windows tinted! She changed quick and was off to ball.

She asked me to dose KD and Bird and I agreed in exchange for her picking up a parcel in town for me. I caught Bird and Switch and put in round pen to graze a bit. I mixed up the concoction but Bird decided to bite the tube cracking it , looks like KD just gets hers mixed in feed which she lapped up quickly.

I left the two in the pen while I put another coat of hemp oil then stain on the two drawer fronts of my sideboard. I think the dark looks better then the original orangy color of the natural wood. I will see when dry tomorrow about putting on another.

see the difference the oil makes to the dry old wood, this is before I did the top drawer, 2nd coat and the stain/oil

Now the east looked very dark and Kaylin confirmed it was pouring in the city. Just after 8 I went and put the 2 mares back in the paddock and it was not long after another huge wind storm with a bit of rain blew thru.

Britt was home at 9 without my parcel ;/ Kaylin let me know at supper she would not be making it out today, lucky as I have almost ate all the pizzelles ;) well B has had some I guess to.

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