Friday, May 19, 2017

fencing Friday

Up and and it on a gorgeous NO wind morning, I suggested working on the rails. That was what went down.. fencing Friday. I moved all the horses to the temp fenced new paddock of an hour or so while S loaded rails and we got busy.

We even had to run to town at lunch for another bundle of rails, cases of bolts and washers and grabbed lunch while in there too. Back at the ranch we continued the paddock progress finishing up around 6 when Britt rolled in from work. Steph was close behind. We tossed out rails for the south side as the mosquitoes intensified bringing the days work to an end.

Matt returned the skid steer he borrowed earlier in the afternoon so came in for a beer and supper Prince was barbecuing. The girls joined us after their ride and doctoring of Pepper's back sore they found.

Britt packed up to go to Fernie and camp tomorrow, Steph stayed over so once packed, they were off to the bar around 11 and home after 1.

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