Tuesday, May 9, 2017

booth run

Headaches.. grrr and sadly this one will last all day. A call from Kaylin before 9 was my get moving buzzer. Doing my business checks were done prior to me dressed and out the door by 10:30. Today was time to run to the booth. I drove picking Monica up and we set to dropping prices and fluffing the booth. I only added the quilt rack as it is still quite slow and fairly packed. A couple things did sell so far this month which is better then the entire April.

Needing to eat we stopped at KFC before jetting home. I stopped to get a bouquet before grabbing the mail and heading back to the ranch. Britt who has today off was doing laundry and still in her PJ's ;)

thanks Grama and Papa, the flowers continue :) this was a $45 bouquet on for $15!!

Convincing her to get dressed we went out and caught the horses. Today she rode KD and ponied Bird. Following a good conditioning run I trimmed Switch's back feet while she munched on her feed bag goodies. (18 degrees)

I whipped us up lazy lasagna skillet style for supper as B showered and prepared for the rest of her relaxing evening ;) I worked on updating my biz books and pages before hitting the shower & bed to catch a Netflix show.

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