Thursday, November 24, 2016

store sale marking

Sheldon was off to work in the city office early today. Marketing and accounting took up my morning before I was ready to head to town and make the trip to the "store". I loaded up Monica and her treasures and we were off to the store with a quick stop to pick up a jewel box I bought on garage sale site and grab a tea.

We made it to the store about 3 and for the next 3 hours we sorted and priced and got ready for the big sale starting tomorrow.

I dropped her back home by 6:30 and made my way to the ranch making a couple stops to grab 2 tables and some supper. At the ranch, Sheldon was napping in front of his football game. He stayed there the whole night napping only moving to the bed after 11 and right back to sleep. Must have been a real hard week ;)  I worked on updating my books and getting marketing in place yet again for the sale starting tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving to all our US family and friends!!

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