Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Nov 1 already

Another month arrives and I wonder, where is the time going? Today we are off to Medicine Hat for a prayer service for GG tonight and her funeral tomorrow. Coffee in bed and a relaxed start which soon changed. I was organizing the last of my finished pieces, buffed and glass cleaned and put together to stage and post. Tidy up products etc seeing we will be away for a bit and of course packing up.

I had just gotten out of the shower and getting dressed when Amanda called. Poor girl was having terrible gallbladder attack like pains and needed help so I finished getting ready quick, Sheldon threw stuff in his bag (Yep he was not ready to go but rather chillaxing his morning away) and we were off to town about 1230.

pretty relaxed crew, never moved when we drove thru other then to nod

I made the kids KD while AJ headed to the ER, Sheldon ran errands. The kids and I had lots of laughs joined by Shaina and Kaylin just before 2. Kaylin ran to get food quick and it was about 2:30 when Sheldon and Britt got back along with Craig and after a quick visit we all loaded up, hit Tim's and were on the road by 3. Manda finally got seen and released with no real diagnosis but it had not acted up since we got there nor during her long wait ;(.

happy boy woke up only in the last few minutes under my care and he got passed off ASAP

yep this is how we roll ;)

We arrived in the hat at 5, Grama had a spread of food ready for us along with Jerry and Barb. We were off to prayers around 6:30. It was a lovely vigil, a great gathering to celebrate and remember such a great GG. The get together continued at Auntie Colleen's till about 10 then back to grama and Papa's.

thanks Ava for supplying the coloring items

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