Monday, May 16, 2016

Shaina's private paint lesson

Back to work Monday for the Prince was early starting yet another work week.
 this girl entertains me daily..
 practicing her cowboy up challenges on her own
 Britt helped me haul in the clear chest to stage and post.

Shaina was out around 11; she has plans to paint her mirror and ride but the wind was horrid.. ALL DAY LONG. Britt cleaned Shaina's jeep in the garage while Shaina painted her mirror black and I worked on deconstructing the customers chair. Again there was about 4000 staples and after 2 hours, my finger was red and sore.

She and I did go out after painting her mirror to move Baby around the pen a few times and hose her feet.

Back in the garage, Shaina wet distressed her piece before we came in for lunch. She was to work at 2 but got moved to 4 due to over staff and crappy weather. This gave time for the mirror to dry and get waxed, all complete. Britt got ready for her 3 pm shift putting Bird in the temp fence to eat before she left. I moved her out once done and Shaina was off to work. I finished up the chair and gave it a good scrub moving on to the table. All the legs were loose so I removed, sanded and reglued them all, filled a ding on the top and left everything to dry well overnight.

I got busy marketing, threw a roast with veggies in for supper, Sheldon was home at 4:30 ready for a nap ;) Supper was yum. The temperature hit 24 but the wind made it brr chilly, overcast and crappy. Sheldon kindly hooked up the horse trailer after his OT hockey game ended. Both girls rolled in at 9:30, Britt having worked out after her work shift. They ate and Shaina ran out to hose Baby again but did not ride as now dark and still windy.

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