Thursday, May 19, 2016

bit of rain

My cold is progressing, today it moved to the right sinus adding just that much more congestion. Luckily I managed to get back to sleep after waking early as the prince left until 9:30. It was a sluggy morning, overcast and dreary. Britt was sweet and made coffee bringing me a cup in bed. However it was not long and I could not stay in there so got up but stayed in my fluffy housecoat till mid afternoon. I made some chicken soup for lunch but being from the Barbados it was spicy! Sheldon claims that will help healing. I also opened a new bag of crackers and crushed into the soup before realizing they were stale/rancid.. Oh well only 2 bowls so ate mine leaving B to add fresh crackers. She was not a fan of the spicy soup either lol.

I could not handle not seeing progress on the yellow table so went out in my housecoat and painted a 2nd coat on both pieces. Looks like it will take 3 or 4 to get the bright modern color she is looking for as it is a deep (clear) base. On another good note, the rain started after lunch drizzling down for awhile.

Britt went out and hosed the arena doing her riding inside later in the afternoon, this girl is dedicated and makes good use of the arena! She was still riding when Sheldon arrived home at 4 followed soon after by Grama and Papa. They had brought up a load of bison burger for a couple more buyers. Shaina was next to arrive to visit and go hose and give Baby a longer taunt today. We all visited until Brad arrived and then we were off to town for supper at Original Joe's. THANKS Grama and Papa, that was a nice treat for us all.

They headed back to the Hat after while Britt went to the gym, Shaina and Brad came home with us and were soon off to the city for a movie. Sheldon and I started Quantico but he last 5 minutes and went to bed. I watched 3 Scandal and read till 1 ;)

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