Thursday, May 26, 2016

Asher & Ada adventures ~ just a few pics ;)

Another sunny day, perfect for my wee visitors who came to spend the afternoon. Britt was up and off to work at the gym at 9:30. Amanda dropped the kids just after lunch and the adventures began. Walking the dogs, riding horses, eating snacks, watering flowers and so much more. It was action packed finished up with a Popsicle when Amanda arrived back at 3:30 to take them home. Always enjoy my visits with these 2 chatter boxes.
 Ada loves this chair
 hulky man tops the bales
 just out walking the dogs

 Hawk says hello

 Asher chillin on his new horse.. says he could stay there all day.. "Heh Auntie Nan, can you go get the binoculars?"
 Ada tries the higher view but not for long, she prefers ground level

 love the worker bee ethics of kids.. Ada watered my flowers
 and garden
 and filled the puppy pool
 while Ash aerated the lawn
 and Lola dug for cooler dirt to lay on since 21 degrees
 Popsicle payment

Britt got home from work around 4, changed and was picked up by Brooke and they were off to the city to shop. I put another coat of red on Grama Pat's table then enjoyed a beer on the deck in the 20 degree sunshine, no wind no bugs. . Baby got her exercise routine finishing as Sheldon grabbed Vietnamese takeout for our supper on his way home!

And before we lost our mojo, we headed outside into the glorious sunny evening. He filled up his new sprayer and did the fields. I trimmed Baby peeling more dead sole and bars, she felt even better, enough to run with the horses when I let them out to clean up a bit more oats. I had picked another wheel barrow full of poop from her pen so even in that little pen she manages to eat. I was so heated up I had to go minimal garments. Daisy got a good trim while they chowed down too.  By the end I was parched and tuckered out!! A couple glasses of water and I was re hydrated and back out. Time to put horses back in their paddocks. Baby even had enough jam to run out in the bigger pasture and around with the horses. So glad she is coming along. Sheldon and I both finished up around 9 and headed in to hose down.
 before and after
 and off she goes

Today is Jamie's bday.. happy cake day!

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