Wednesday, April 8, 2015

river walk

Wednesday.. felt like Friday to me to start. Prince brought me coffee in bed, two days in a row, yeah me! I had him help me jig saw and table cut my desk back before he was off to town (trying to change a speeding ticket court day! He and Shaina should have their own chair ;)
I sanded up the piece, pre drilled holes and power screwed it in place. I love power tools and building furniture. Maybe I will do some once I get stock down. I pre painted the  piece and then gave everything a 2nd coat, first on the top and wax on the stained door.
Sheldon who was back from town with some filing storage a lady gave me brought us all lunch from EDO, YUMMY!! Britt again asked to ride so we caught ponies and she and I headed out in the sunshine again. , Sheldon unloaded the cabinets and started harrowing the winter pasture which was left from before. After our ride, Britt was off to get ready for work at 3. I caught Julio and gave him a good brushing with the shedding blade and brushes (looked even more like a snow storm than when I did hawk on the ground) before trimming his feet. We have him in the paddocks alone so he can get his food more often as the poor old guy is looking his 33 years of age. ;(

I got back to work in the garage and Sheldon stopped over with compressor to brad nail my chalk board backing on. Things were going well until his 6 " nails popped thru the bottom of the back out the front.. by about an inch! WTH! The next hour was spent trouble shooting, no way could we hammer them back out even with a punch so eventually we cut them with wire snips but they had a counter edge that did not go flush.. next a dremel tool was used to try and file back as much as we could.

He went out shooting gophers while I filled the wood chunks now missing. Letting them dry I moved back to the writing desk, painting the top another coat, sanding the edges and starting to wax. Disaster hits again as white bits are sticking from the j-cloth in the wax and spotty shadows, when mineral spirits which were advised to fix this were used, it removed a wee layer of paint. I buffed it all and repainted the side, start again. But once painted, time for a cold beverage, thanks to prince for the frosty mug!
 this is writing desk at current state and the dresser and hutch set up for staging
We ate and then loaded dogs to go to the river. Lola did not want to load so I carried her then walked to house for leashes, As S backed up she bailed, slight injury to leg but ran to me and the deck. Guess she does not want to be a traveling dog and stayed happily home as we headed off. Diego and Coco love the smells at the river.
which side do I look slimmer on?

We were scouting some driftwood for saddle stands and found many but require a chain saw and some work gloves on next trip. We took a we drive to the weir and around the country before heading home to a hot tub. Britt got home after 9 from work and was off to a party after 10 but was home fairly early.

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