Friday, April 10, 2015

coffee bar is posted and sells in hour

Another sun shiny start to the day, got to love that! Along with hot coffee served in bed.. life is good! Once up and at it, I got busy staging my "coffee bar" and posted while Sheldon was off to town for lumber. Britt was off to work for 11-2

The wind picked up and stayed for rest of the day ;( but it still was sunny hitting 16. Coreena arrived as I was helping Sheldon load trash for his town trip. She brought a hot chai and had a nice visit before I loaded her up with her treasures. Thanks for your support Coreena!
I started work on this little piece, get the mask and get sanding.. after hello kitty sticker and gum removal of course.
Sheldon was back from town for late lunch then he worked on the barn plans after a spray foam guy stopped to give a quote. I grabbed the other antique desk and gave it a sanding. This one took many hours as so many edges and nooks, plus had remnants of a red paint session. The inside had a thick coat of primer and a boring tan paint. I am not sure I will tackle in the drawer but will see. I love finding details like the filled in hand carved initials HMH as well as HM Hunter 1921 inside.

 stripper was required for the inside paint thick with primer

inside top finally sanded, will paint storage area a fun color, forgot pic of top all sanded but here is the metal leg desk after a couple hours to remove all the water damage, beautiful wood though
It was not long (less than hour from posting) and the coffee bar was SOLD.. there was even two who were wanting it, I have had it on kijiji for a week but it is all in the staging, and perhaps my face book page just has better customers.!

Once home from her short work day, Britt took Bird out to condition. We have first polox practice tomorrow but sadly she works and has to miss it. Sheldon grilled up burgers for supper, and exactly that.. 6 burgers with cheese and a frozen loaf of bread! No chef at our camp this is for sure. I finished up at 7 when they were ready, hoovered my two down and then went to shower 6 hours of sanding off me!

I worked on updating blog and Creative Moments page, closing my red wood kitchen auctions and updating my inventory spreadsheet. Even the red grinder sold today on its own. Sheldon went back out to the shop after eating while Britt hit the TV room.

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