Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My birthday

Today is my birthday, and a beautiful day it is. Britt was up and helped me catch horses then was off to school (think she forgot my breakfast in bed). I packed creamy coffee and a bologna croissant and loaded the horses up and was off to the horse dentist. The next 7 hours were spent watching 4 get their teeth trimmed but I also multi  tasked and trimmed KD and Daisy's feet, did some cleaning for Hawk and removed 2 beans while big Bird lucked out just getting her teeth.
 KD is first up
 while the others wait

 then big Bird
 then Hawk
 and finally Daisy, so tipsy she stands like a lush
no change in Daisy's tooth, it is not a cavity but perhaps was trauma years ago
I was blessed to have many lovely texts and phone call birthday wishes to keep me occupied as well. Thanks everyone! The owner of the place showed me his huge new riding arena and I found the most amazing stall mats ever. I hope to buy 2 stall's worth off him, fingers crossed.
it is foams chips with geo tech liner then a sealant which makes them impermeable and easy to clean!
Once all were done, the big bill paid and my drunken ponies all loaded I was off for home. Sheldon who flew in at 10:30 was at home sleeping so after unloading them all and finishing Hawk's cleaning with warm water rather than the frosty well water on site I shoveled out the horse trailer in the amazing sunshine. plus 20 two days in a row and little wind is a blessing in it self.
Sheldon got up to join me for a cold birthday beer, he also had a bouquet of flowers for me :) Awe! Next order of business was supper so off to the Station for the complimentary birthday supper and man was it good! We both had steak sandwich with sweet potato fries!! Heavenly and I got cheesecake to go since stuffed. We made  quick stop at Amanda's to get some birthday love and show Sheldon the micro green operation before grabbing a DQ salted caramel truffle blizzard for the ride home. It was good but to sweet for us, we will stick to all time favorite banana split!

The Flames play at 8 so made it home in time for Prince to get set up in his tv room to enjoy now we get the channel. I tried laying down for a bit but was not long before Britt got home from work and we joined Sheldon to watch the victory game. Then it was time to kick back in the comfy bed and get some well needed shut eye, What a great day, thanks for every email, FB message, text and phone call, it makes my day feel even better!!

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