Saturday, April 18, 2015

early birthday supper celebration

Luckily I felt a pile better when I awoke today. As I let out the dog and fed them I saw it rained, when did that happen? I must have had a good sleep. I woke at 6-7 & 8 but not due to rain and went back to sleep till 8:30 so was in the dark of night. We will take it though even though not lots.

I was up answering messages as the desk gal was to be coming this am if I felt better as was Sharon. Britt was off to work for 10-3 on this cooler day. I tidied and did laundry waiting for the gal but no show so off to the garage I went to start painting. I painted the yellow chair the same pretty aqua I put inside my desk.

another good use for my american beer cubes ;)
 think I forgot a before picture of the yellow chair.. opps

Somehow as I painted and Diego who hates wind and yes again today it blew like the devil, was inside with me I missed hearing or seeing the gal drive in. She apparently went to Stouts and was directed back here where Lola quietly wagged her tail. With the wind I heard not a thing but when I checked messages I learned she had been there so back she came just as I finished up staining the coffee table top.

She loved the desk and the chair I had demoed it with but she did not remember her chair money so back to town she went. Sharon stopped over to choose a large blackboard for part of her parents 50th anniversary photo shoot as well as drop off another project to paint and have a quick visit. The desk/chair gal ran her money back out too.

I then finished up stain on the coffee table base, sanded the blue chair to reveal a wee bit of the yellow before Mom arrived after her meeting in town. No Tims today, a quick visit as Britt stopped at home to shower quick before jet setting to the city with Kyra then we got busy finishing the 2 cats de matting treatments. I bet they feel like a million bucks even thought they have 95% less hair. I have decided these 2 need fall and spring trims to keep down on these mats which seem hay driven. That or maybe a brushing once a month by each of their child owners.. OK girls?

this poor kitty was so matted, look at the size of this one alone I slowly worked at to get off!! pretty sure even though it was a painful process for them it felt so much better when done. Thanks Mom for all your help and use of the clippers too!

Mom is taking the breadbox back to Oyen for Barb, thanks ladies for your continued support!

Time for a cold beverage for me and hot for mom as more topics were covered in conversation. I did set her up to start watching Buck on my ipad as I showered up and got all gussied up. We are meeting Britt in town to celebrate our birthdays a wee bit early. Thanks Mom, supper was yummy and enjoyable and nice 3 generation celebration!

After supper we all went to Paetz's where Britt showed Gran how to get to netflix on their smart TV to finish Buck and also watch Blackfish. We visited for a bit more then Britt and I headed home to the ranch where Diego was very happy to get into his cushions even if later then usual and no longer wind ;)

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