Friday, April 24, 2015

birthday lunch

Britt had Thursday schedule today so another sleep in for her but she was off for school as I was putting the 2nd coat on the door, this coat went much faster than the tedious task yesterday. I had it finished in an hour. Prince Ali slept in till almost 10, perhaps procrastinating his list of chores or moaning the Flames loss, not sure.
Scanning baby photos followed for me before getting ready to head to town for my birthday lunch with Sharon & Coreena. Sheldon drank coffee and worked on taxes. Lunch was awesome as usual, always fun catching up with these girls. I miss our daily coffee catch ups.
Following lunch I picked up a new piece and the new bell PVR before venturing back home where Sheldon was in process of moving a support beam closer to the wall.

My afternoon was spent continuing the scanning process of photos. As well the pepper grinder got first wax coat on after 2nd coat of paint earlier in the day and the doors got a couple more touch ups. I had put in a prime rib roast for supper and once home from school on the start of a few days off, Britt peeled potatoes to go with it. She also was kind enough to feed all the pets.
Sheldon ran the skid steer to a neighbor to borrow, then got a new post dug and the gate installed ready for action. Supper was amazing, so delish!

The day was quite cool and mostly overcast but they say colder tomorrow ;( After supper was a complete relax night for Sheldon and Britt, I finished up with Britt's baby-12 pictures and posted on Facebook finally heading to bed after 11:30.

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