Wednesday, April 15, 2015

more projects underway

Wednesday morning starts out beautiful, how long will it last is the question. After a few coffees while folding laundry and organizing pre grad appointments I am thinking I should walk the dogs now when calm. Britt kindly (begrudgingly actually) dropped the large box off at the rummage sale, thanks B!

My morning was busy getting back to projects. The double decker end table got a coat of creamy paint and the nightstand got a chalk coat of grey along with a black stain/poly on top. While they dried I took the dog for their eagerly awaited walk. Today I tried a new suggestion for deterring the jumping up behavior and it worked like a charm.. 6 pennies in a beer can!
 goodbye yellow, this was the lighter grey
After lunch I put on a 2nd coat on end table, the nightstand I went to the darker grey I used on the coffee bar to go with the black top, the other was too light. More time was spent sanding the scalloped edge of the coffee table and the base then wiping down.

Once the end table was dried, time to sand and put on top coat. I am unsure if I will add dark wax or a glaze or leave as is, hmmm
A late supper sandwich wait to bid on another antique desk, which I won then back out.
More top coat, hand painted black on top of nightstand rim and painted the base of the coffee table.

Britt got home from work after 8 and was amazed at Lola's better behavior at the door ;) yeah!! Sheldon is working nights this week, he just text to say Calgary flames won 2-1! He is thrilled to say the least, credits his beard of course! I am off for a hot soak in my tub, peace out all!

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