Monday, November 3, 2014

Sunny MOnday

The sun shone all day Monday, how fabulous, the snow always looks so crisp and clean and even enjoyable. After Britt was off to school, I got busy in the garage. Putting on the hutch hardware led me to spending an hour sorting Sheldon's crazy drawer cabinet in search for a fine thread screw. But I did find a couple other treasures I can use and it is now so much better organized.
Sheldon volunteered to drive a company truck with a co worker, back to Calgary so today enjoyed the trip south, will get his report once home. I finished painting and distressing the Xmas craft,
UPS stopped tp drop a parcel, ended up stuck for some time but eventually spun his way out :0)

Coreena dropped off 3 items for the production line and stayed for a few beers and a good visit. This is the part of my previous job I miss the most, my daily visits with the girls. Shaina stopped out during this time to enjoy a bowl of home made soup and grab my Costco card to go purchase gas at these "great" prices.

Sheldon arrived home after stopping to grab Costco supplies after dropping the work truck off and chasing it down to get his phone at about 7:30. I was enjoying season 2 of The Killing while he caught up on football winning his first pool for $100.

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