Sunday, November 16, 2014

polox awards day/Xmas party

Sunday was another sun day, awaking to -2 but best part.. NO WIND! Diego had me up at 7:30 so I read some more before getting Britt out the door for work at 10. The other 2 girls slept longer heading home around 10:30.

I did final touches on the ruler. Dark with white is so crisp but also easy to see any marks much easier. A fellow emailed an hour before I was to leave and bought 3 of the turquoise/black pieces.

all loaded up including free range eggs for the city girls
Since it was a big day out and I rarely get to wear jewelry I wore 3 necklaces out today. I had my comfy cashmere sweater but as I went to grab the girls eggs from the fridge, the cream fell out and all over me!
Clothes changed as Britt changed after getting home from work and we were off running a bit behind time leaving for the city at 1:30. My 2 customers met us at the hotel where the awards was held. Shaina met us there too which was nice. The navy ruler was off to its new nursery and the lucky wife getting the turquoise trio loaded hers up too.

The party went well with a Chinese gift exchange and food followed by the awards. Britt was the lucky recipient of the Ernie Kowaluk awards presented for skill, horsemanship, sportsmanship and dedication to the sport, great job Britt. She also was blindsided by the MOST improved horse award for the hours she put on Birdie. It really had her gobsmacked but honored.

Just before 5 the girls headed to the mall while I dashed to Costco the hit Home Depot with only 3 minutes to spare.. whew. Saved some cash I guess as I hoped to peruse more at both, another day! Shaina dropped Britt to me at HD, thanks Dude! Party B slept the way home getting to the ranch at 7.
Feed the dogs, unload my light Costco load, grab a hot drink and snack and update blog and upload awards photos. Sadly the house thermometer must be off, it said 0 when we left but my car read -6 (as did Britt's on way home from work) then on way home it read -15, house said -9! As much as I would prefer the house to be reality, I think it is not ;(
Britt did some homework before she and I watched, If I Stay then I read a wee bit and lights out!


  1. The necklace combo very nice. Creamer didn't detract very much. Nice sweater as well
    Way to go B! Your encouragement, support and participation go a long way in helping her achieve her goals. Hugs
