Saturday, November 29, 2014

even deeper in the freezer

Awoke to -22, let out Lola and jumped back in to bed at 8. Candace sent a Christmas present via one of their transports and he called right after, however without plugging the truck in (Prince's rule) I was not able to meet him so he left at the husky. I started my day with a new Christmas coffee blend that tastes amazing with my creamer!
At least the sun was shining today which makes a big difference. After a chat with the prince I got busy in the garage painting the vanity... purple!

I was hand painting a believe sign just before noon as Britt came up briefly to see the dogs then retreated back down when I suggested bundling up and going to check the outdoor animals ;-) I scrubbed up another antique chair to do in matching purple.

Eventually though I got her to suit up and we took dogs for a shorter walk in the heat of the day at -15!! It was actually really nice, a bit nippy on the cheeks heading north but other than that, nice. I also threw out a bale as they were out. Britt checked KD leg as she has a cut somewhere under the snow packed hair. I was working on distressing and dark waxing my believe sign so redressed and went back out to check. All is ok, the cold will keep swelling down and it doesn't seem major. While out I refilled all the salt/mineral tubs while Britt checked cats and plug in skid steer.
Back in the garage I painted the chair first coat. To my surprise, Matt arrived to put out a bale, what a great neighbor!! THANKS Matt!! As a treat to warm him up I made a peppermint patty in a go mug, and one for B and I too!

For supper I cooked up this yummy roasted cauliflower/broccoli soup, sans hand blender. Mid making we had to do a thorough puppy pen hose down due to an ill puppy. Not sure but earlier she had thrown up but this time it was everywhere and not a good color. Britt chalks it up to perhaps dining on cat dung while with her in the shop.. YUCK!!
A fellow popped out from the city to purchase the antiqued stools then it was time to get back to the painting
my painting company
All purple pieces got another coat including the handles and the believe sign buffed, eye hooks and wire added and a few pics snapped. Poor Lola had gotten sick again by my work table but hope better tomorrow.

Amber arrived around 9:30 for a sleepover. I am finishing the blog and going to crawl in my cozy bed!! brrrr stay warm all 

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