Thursday, November 20, 2014

hunting & Lola's first trip to town

Thursday Nov 20th, yikes. Britt had a spare but was up early as Brooke is giving her gel nails ( a few a day thru the week) for her cosmo project. She spent a bit of time with miss Lola and the gang before heading out. Sheldon loaded up and was off hunting with his buddy Steve around 9:30. A fellow arrived to buy the funky table. All went as planned so helped him load up and off he went.
Time for Diego's cartrophen shot! Seeing the weather was again above freezing I took the horses apples and introduced Lola to the herd. She was nervous but calm and quiet letting them sniff her up. I then took the pack for their first walk. It was a ton of fun for them all. We venture the west perimeter and while passing Julio, he decided to tag along. No matter the direction he followed so eventually we ended back at the hop and threw out a bale. The others of course were in usual we want but cant get over this fence. I tried a couple times to lure them around, while trying to keep the 3 dogs close and soon it was also the cats! Finally I put a string around Baby and with Lola at my left side and Baby on the right we got them moving the right way again, finally once close to the far gate the rest took the right path and off they all went to join Julio at the buffet.
 Coco is still none to pleased about this accquisition
 security class - stare deep" 101
 look both ways quietly
 and off we go on the walk

Coco LOVES the snow but for rest of the day after her high energy walk she was back to limping Lou

Switch says "I know the short cut, let me out the gate here" sorry it is getting snow bound so keep practicing your podium stance on this hard snow drift
 Pepper is not to sure about this new white fluff ball as he gallops by us
 but by now the cats are tracking us to so Switch goes back to investigate
By now it was just after 12 so I hurriedly put the first coat of wax on the pieces before getting ready to head to town. I loaded up Miss Lola and off we went fetching Britt from school who was dying to accompany us to the vet. Lola loved Dr Jodi and got her shots and dewormer like nothing happened. We made a quick stop to see Cara our groomer and she gave us great tips and a demo as to how to care for her long hair. Her next viewing was to Sharon and Coreena before a quick stop to see Asher and Ada. One more people stop, Brooke who skipped out of class to go "to the bathroom", hahaha. Britt loaded up and was off to work as her class was nearly done.
off to town enjoying the front seat.. till Britt gets in
 waiting for Dr Jodi
 Jodi id giving her the shot.. and done.. all happy
Lola and I went to Tims for lunch finally, a quick stop at the bank and Walmart to grab some chew toys and corn oil for big D's poor coat. Finally it was time to head south. Back at the ranch, I unloaded puppy and goods then worked on pictures. Supper break for the puppies had me buffing the waxed pieces and waxing the bottoms as well as touching up paint on the frames.

Britt worked at the gym after school and Sheldon messaged he was not home for supper so it was me, a cold beer, organic corn chips and the blog and reposting pieces on Kijiji :-) I need to move this hutch to put up a Christmas tree hahaha


  1. Hopefully you do not experience what we do with two big dogs - running away. The week before TJ was done work Dad drove 60km looking for Cisco and Diesel - they were playing with 5 dogs and Jaclyn Murray's to the west.

  2. not to worried, Big D likes to stick close to home.. inside if he could! ;-)
